Welcome to Economy Fuel Systems. We manufacture and sell Hydrogen on demand units. H.O.D. units convert water into hydrogen which helps your fuel burn more
efficiently thus saving you money.
So if you're trying to save money on fuel or just help the environment by cleaning your vehicle's emissions, converting your car to run on hydrogen (as a supplement to petrol or diesel) provides the lowest-cost, safest, and most rewarding solution.
The technology to run cars on hydrogen (derived from water) is proven. Hydrogen burns smoothly and provides significant energy.
There is no storing of any hydrogen fuel; it is a simple
hydrogen on demand system that can be installed directly into your engine.
Reasons to convert your car to run on petrol or diesel and water:
Saves up to 50% (or more) on fuel consumption.
Cleans up emissions that damage your health and the health of others. No harmful chemicals are emitted from this system. Since your engine takes less fuel and burns it more completely, the overall effect is a dramatic reduction in harmful emissions. You'll be able to smell the difference.
Boosts engine power and performance. Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine - especially pistons, valves, rings and bearings
Removes carbon deposits and prevents future carbon built up. In many vehicles small and large, the engine becomes so quiet that you don't hear it.
Immediately you will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine and gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion engine cycle inside your engine.
It is reversible (won't affect the value of your car when you sell it or trade it in). These systems can be disconnected in a few minutes without adversely affecting your engine.